Keep Calm and Carry on Swimming this New Year!

Keep Calm and Carry on Swimming this New Year!

Make your 2022 the best year for YOU. 

Happy New Year to you all, sorry for the delay on posting but I've been enjoying my festive season social media blackout a little too much 🙈

Normal service resuming now, however I think it's so important to acknowledge the time that we need away from scrolling, comparisons and liking - especially at this time of year when we are all expected to go into our cocoon on New Year's and emerge as a wonderful new creature with our life scripted out a few days later...

To that I say no 🖕

You do you.

If you want to improve your life in whatever way you feel you need to - GO DO IT 💕 there's nothing better than looking back on what you have achieved.

BUT don't feel pressure from society to bend to a norm just because it's January. Nobody needs that.

Just do what makes you happy, live life to the full in whatever way makes your soul sing and fall in love with your everyday... No matter what that looks like 💙

For me it's wild swimming and getting out on adventures at every possible opportunity...

There's something so magical about the cold water embracing your body as you enter your local river, lake or ocean. There are numerous benefits to wild swimming but as someone who is utterly addicted, I can say that all of those are eclipsed by the insane feeling of triumph and soul satisfaction that will follow you around for hours after your dip. 

If you want to start wild swimming in 2022, check out my other blog posts or see my top tips on TikTok  - I'd love to hear yours too!

P. S. pic captures a rather wonderful moment of calm on Holywell beach after the chaos of the doggies and companion deciding to dig a hole around me 🤣🙈

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